I would tell all of you single gals that dating is supposed to be FUN and if you are stressing out about ‘just wanting to get married’ or ‘hurrying to find the one’, then you’ll MISS out on the joy of the journey to find him.  You’re single ONCE (hopefully) and married FOREVER, so don’t discount your important single years finding yourself and experiencing life as YOU!  If a guy – for one reason or another – isn’t YOUR marriage material then MOVE ON!  It will be hard at first, but you will be SO GLAD later that you didn’t run around in circles wishing for someone to be who they’re not.  Another thought is to go places that guys who hold your standards will be going… because when you’re in the right place at the right time… yep!  Don’t find another excuse to turn down [whatever] activity.  Next, don’t overlook the guy who is “just” your best friend. Your husband WILL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND!  You gotta keep those baby blues OPEN, GIRL!!!  Last, I’d offer hope to those who are wishing to be married – he’s out there and LOOKIN’ for you as hard as you are for him. -Kiirsten

What would you tell the single ladies about marriage?? Here is a “slice of advice” from each diva…on marriage:

Tara & Jamie Believe it or not, but guys cannot read our minds! I know, I know…I think they SHOULD….but unfortunately, they were not blessed with that talent. {WINK} Example: After a bad day at work….instead of waiting until Jamie notices that I am upset, I have found that if I say, “Sweetie, I had a really bad day today. Can I tell you about it?” He is SO open to hear about it, let me cry on his shoulder, and then give me much needed advice! Don’t wait around for him to figure things out….TALK about it! I guess what I am trying to say is that communication is the key to marriage! Without that, you don’t have a chance! I think you should also know that marriage is a lot of hard work, you need to constantly be putting the needs of your spouse before your own. I absolutely LOVE being married, you couldn’t pay me to join the dating world again….LOL. BUT – it’s a huge commitment which should be taken very seriously! If you are having problems with your current relationship….RUN!! (Sooooo serious!!) Those problems will only intensify with marriage! Make sure you can live with and accept his faults before deciding to spend the rest of your life with him!

  •       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       * I think you can see the trend here , right?!?  We all LOVE being married, but we are not lying when we tell you it’s a whole lotta work!  When you get married, you are basically committing to putting that OTHER person first for the rest of your life!  If your spouse does the same and you make sure to keep an open communication….you will have a FABULOUS and loving marriage! In the meantime, while you are dating….we have TONZ of fun, creative, and inexpensive date ideas! {WINK}

All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 14All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 58All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 56All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 47All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 67All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 24All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 35All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 99All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 42All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 38All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 98All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 15All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 64All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 10All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 10All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 21All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 2All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 19All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 45All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 17All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 14All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 31All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 50All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 28All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 69All The Single Ladies  Advice from the Divas  - 71