Ammi’s Adventures: Seeds

Hi! I’m Ammi. My name means “the whole world is inside of me,” and I think it’s true: I carry the whole world in my mind and heart and body. I know you do, too! I like to play games, explore, and discover what makes me, me. I’m so glad we’re together on this journey!  Have you ever held a seed in your hand? Some are so tiny we can barely see them with our eyes, and others are so big they fill our whole palm. When you look at a seed, it’s hard to see or even imagine what it will become. That seed has to go through seasons and cycles in order to transform into a new version of itself.  Do you know the seasons of a seed?  First is winter. Dark under the earth, in a blanket of dirt, the seed is still. It needs quiet and calm. From the outside it might not look like anything is happening, but inside something is changing. It is preparing, waiting, to emerge. Then there is an opening. The seed sprouts, breaking free from its old form and it is new, inside and out. Now the seed needs time. It rests and it grows. Becoming is hard work. But this is what the seed was made for.  Next is spring. The sprout gathers enough strength to burst forth from beneath the earth and is greeted by the light. The sprout will now soak in the sun and be fed by the rain. And it will keep growing and changing. Always new.  Then summer follows. The sprout’s roots grow stronger and deeper into the earth. It is full and it is time to blossom. Blossoming is the time for the seed to express itself. The seed changed to a sprout, and now it is a flower, or a plant, or a tree, or an apple. It is doing what it came here to do. This change may last for a long time or a short time, or anywhere in between.  Autumn comes next and brings more change. It is time to shed. Petals and seeds fall to the ground and scatter. Fruit is eaten by animals. Trees shed their leaves and stand bare. Change means letting go. This part must happen for the cycle to start over. Something ends and something new begins. It’s a circle that keeps repeating. Stillness, opening, blossoming, shedding. On and on and on.   We are like seeds, too. We have that same circle of life within us. We hold the seeds of all that we are, all we have ever been, and all that we will become, inside us. We are here to nurture those seeds, to care for them, to give them what they need so they can be still, open, blossom, and shed. It takes time to learn how to care for our seeds.  Let’s practice being seeds together! 

A 4-Minute Grounding Meditation for Kids

Love, from your friend, Ammi.

Ammi’s adventures

Heather Hawk Feinberg November 8, 2021

Heather Hawk Feinberg July 5, 2021

Heather Hawk Feinberg March 1, 2021