How many of you find that you are stuck in a routine?  Or do you often find yourself wondering what happened to that spark?  Maybe your romance level just isn’t as HOT as it used to be. You find yourself not in the mood more often then you are. You’re too busy with other things to make intimacy a priority. If that spark and excitement has fizzled through the years, I’m telling you right now, that you need to STOP allowing that to be OK and START doing something about it!  Such a pattern is destructive to your relationship on all levels, not just intimacy.

In order to keep the flames burning, you need to add kindling to the fire. To do this, you need to get out of your comfort zone, try new ideas, recreate fabulous moments, and keep it spicy! You are not allowed any more excuses after today, because I’m going to help you kick things up a few notches with a sassy little “DIRTY DEEDS” idea that I came up with a few years ago. My hubby and I love it and so will the two of you! Now that I’ve got you excited enough to make a mad dash to your bedroom, stick around just a little bit longer so we can gather some items first!

COLLECT ITEMS  Small Cute Trash Can Lace Ribbon Darling Dirty Deeds Printables {Let’s all say “Thank You” to Robin for making these glamourous printables!} White Copy Paper, nothing fancy Paper Trimmer Glue Gun

CREATE YOUR GAME Now that you’ve collected all of your items, let’s put it all together. This is going to be quick and easy! Print the printables onto white copy paper.  Cut out each strip.  Take one or two blank ones and hand the remainder over to your spouse.  Secretly, don’t show your partner, fill out dirty deeds you would like fulfilled onto these strips.  That was quick, huh!  Now start crumpling up each strip just like you would a piece of paper you are throwing away.  Place all your crumpled paper into your trash can.  Using your  glue gun, attach a ribbon and the tittle tag onto your can.

HOW TO PLAY Are you ready to say GOOD-BYE to mundane, boring, and sizzled intimacies???  I’m imagining all of you jumping up for joy and saying “YES!”  There are 52 slips in this game, which means you’ve got a whole year of fireworks ahead of you!!!  Alright, let’s get you playing!  At the beginning of each week ONE of you will remove a piece of trash from your can. Don’t let your spouse see the deed, you are going to surprise them. You have one whole week to fulfill this deed. Don’t rush but don’t be too slow either {You don’t want to let the following week creep up before you’ve done the deed!}.  Take a few days to prepare, plan, and get everything in order to make this experience romantic and unforgettable.  Set up the scene, collect any needed props, take a few breaths of courage, get the deed started, and watch the sparks ignite. Woooooo, hooooo!!!  Soon you’ll be trying to “one up” each other – it will be thrilling! The following week it will be the other spouse’s turn. If you happen to choose a “Pick Your Dirty Deed” slip, this is your lucky week because you get to do whatever you want! Let’s say you are looking at this post and thinking, “I have no idea how to initiate these deeds or my spouse isn’t romantic,” no worries, we’ve got a few amazing posts that will help get you started – Anticipation Is Half The Fun, Follow Me Sexy Tease, and Setting the Mood.   These ideas should get you going, if you still need more take a peek at our Intimate Moments for a bunch of steamy treats. What are you waiting for!!! You’ve got this!!! Go get your dirty deeds on, already!!!

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