It’s that time of year again where we get to celebrate the most special women in our lives… our MOMS!  I love Mother’s Day and the opportunity I have to let my mom know how much she means to me. I know without a doubt that I wouldn’t be where I am today without my mom’s guidance and direction.  Thank you mom!

Moms help shape the lives of their children and touch all around them.  But along with the shaping, may come some unforgettable moments…especially in their kids’ eyes. {WINK}  I think every mom means well, but might not accomplish certain things in the most tactful ways.  LOL! Below are some funny and really embarrassing moments in some of our very own Divas’ lives, delivered by their wonderful moms.  Get ready to smile, chuckle, and laugh out loud with these funny stories!

 1- Tara’s Story:  When I was younger, my sweet mom SWORE up and down that if we didn’t make our beds before heading out for the day… she would come to school and take us home. We always thought she was full of it… Weeeeellllll, she must have been fed up one day because she appeared in the doorway of my 3rd grade classroom… and announced to the WHOLE class that I had to go home because I didn’t make my bed. I was completely mortified! When you are only EIGHT, that is pretty devastating! LOL   …and I’ve made my bed ever since! 2- Catharine’s Stories:

My stepmom had high expectations for us to keep our home tidy, but she was loving with a great sense of humor all at the same time. She asked me to clean my room several times, but I kept putting it off to…”socialize.” She kept telling me that one day, if I didn’t do it – everything on my floor would wind up on the front lawn. Sure enough, one day I came home from school to see my teenage under-things scattered all over the green lawn like sprinkles on ice cream. The cherry on top? My pink bra in a tree! LOL! My mom was never without her Polaroid camera. (Yep…it was the 90’s!) It was obnoxious, and probably could be heard from space. She used to come into my class before every major school play/Christmas concert/other big school event and insist on taking my picture…in front of everyone…DURING class. I have dozens of these pictures, and I can’t even bring myself to look at them. I’m beet red in every single one!

3- Shanelle’s HUSBAND’S Story: When he was younger (14 or so) he was sitting at the dinner table when all of the sudden his mom yelled, “What is this?!” while reaching under the table and grabbing his pants… you know the zipper part that sometimes pops up when sitting because they are new and stiff… Juuuusssst a little awkward for a middle school boy, sitting to dinner with him fam!

4- Cami’s Story:  My mom hated when my siblings and I fought – like ever!  If we did, we had to hold hands and say 3 things nice about the other person while looking at them in the eye.  Oh, we just hated it!  If we kept at it, she had this uncanny ability to make herself laugh to try to get us distracted and forget about our fight.  Honestly, her laughter was usually so infectious that we literally would stop the fighting and join in the laughter.  One time I was utterly furious with my sister.  We unfortunately had to pick up my friends for an event we were going to, and I was just sulking in the back and didn’t even acknowledge that they were in the car with us.  My mom had had enough of my attitude so she started into one of her laughing spells.  My friends had never experienced one of these before, and just kept looking back and forth at each other with questioning looks like, “Is this lady okay? She’s laughing at nothing!” I was mortified, but still too stubborn to change my attitude.  My mom was even more determined to get me to smile and really turned on the laughter…she was driving the car and was hysterically laughing to the point she was crying!  She kept saying “Oh boy, I can barely see the road”, but kept right on laughing.  Soon, my friends were actually voicing their concern and wondering if she was okay.  I kept thinking “Please mom, just stop!  This is so embarrassing!”  But about 20 minutes of this hysterical laughter, the laughter finally broke my stubbornness… I started to smile, and actually joined in on the laughter – my friends thought we were both crazy, but we (my mom especially) got a great ab workout! 5- Julie’s Story: I had a bunch of friends over when  my mom came downstairs and asked if  we were having an orgy.  In her mind she was asking if we were having a big party, but in every teenage mind’s, well…let’s just say awkward! 6- Ferren’s Stories:  I don’t know if my mom ever embarrassed me, but I have definitely embarrassed her!  Here’s a few examples…

Even when I was in high school I would dance to the music in grocery stores (and I’m not a good dancer). When she was a sub in my high school I would run up and give her big hugs and call her ‘mommy.’ When she became an elementary school teacher I would ‘mission impossible’ my way through the hallways (while singing the theme song). For one April Fools’ Day, I called and told her the cops were bringing me home, her face was pretty priceless when she opened the door – my dad just sat and laughed on the couch for like an hour.

7- Caroline’s Lesson:  My mom never embarrassed me, but taught me a great quote which we lived our lives after…”If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”  Growing up I rolled my eyes at this phrase; however, it definitely instilled a great work ethic in me. I don’t think I could have achieved everything I have in school, work, or life without her incredible guidance and example! Aren’t all these stories priceless?!  Growing up we tend to roll our eyes and think our mom’s know nothing, but then as we grow older and can look back and reflect, we realize how amazing every single mom is.  Here’s to moms and celebrating their day!  Thanks to all the Divas’ moms and for their prime example to us.  We love you!!!! Want some fun ideas to help make your mom’s day amazing?  Check out this 40+ Amazing Mother’s Day Gifts or this awesome Mother’s Day Care Package. ————————————————————————— Giveaway We had so much fun remembering these fun and awesome mom stories, we thought it would be even better to hear YOUR silly and embarrassing mom stories!  So, we want you to leave a comment on this post with your most embarrassing Mom-ent that your mom did to you or you have done to your kids!  AND, if you decide to share your story, you get the chance to WIN 3 fabulous products from our Diva store… and YOU get to choose!! So, get right on it, and tell us your most amazing mom story (or stories) in the comments.  If you win, you will be contacted and you get to pick 3 of the products from our store {we’ll be able to see your email address on the backend of our site so use the one you’d like us to email}.  I can’t wait to hear all of your stories! Giveaway ends Thursday, May 7th at Midnight MST. We’ll announce the WINNER on May 9th! Check this post then!!  Congrats to McKenna – You are the winner of this giveaway!!!!  We have sent you an email.  Please respond within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen. Congrats again!*****

Most Embarrassing Mom ents - 36Most Embarrassing Mom ents - 47Most Embarrassing Mom ents - 23Most Embarrassing Mom ents - 87Most Embarrassing Mom ents - 73