Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. Carisa at Messes to Memories created these adorable printables to use for your special waffle love day. She’s pretty much magic with a computer and we are SO lucky to benefit from her skills. If your relationship is anything like mine date night might start something like this:

Average Date Night

“Where do you want to eat tonight?” “Uh I don’t care, you choose.” “Ok, how about {fill in the blank with your spouse’s favorite choice}.” “Oh no, not there… let’s go {fill in the blank with what you actually wanted}” Sound familiar? It’s called waffling, Y’all. Give your sweetie a break and let them actually choose what will happen this easy waffle date night! Save this date idea on Pinterest!

Not Your Average Waffle Date Night

Start the day with a sweet little love note and a waffle for breakfast. As they head off for their day invite them to a special waffle-themed date night. Get ready, because tonight you are going to let them choose their favorite place to eat AND the movie! That’s right. They get to make ALL the decisions… you just guide them 😉 These fun little cards will share your waffle love and tell them that it is all up to them! {Of course you can always just have waffles at home too!}

At some point during your waffle date if you have some downtime we have a game for you! It’s called “Don’t Waffle!” and you are given 5 things that you have to rate on your first impressions, then you try to convince your spouse why your ranking is correct and get them to… you guessed it – WAFFLE on their choices. There is even a blank game card so you can create your own categories.

Finally, to close the night off there is an adorable invitation to leave somewhere only your love will see… it may have waffle toppings involved… 😉 Enjoy! To make this Waffle Date all come together, be sure to grab a great quality paper cutter and nice cardstock. Save these printables on your Pinterest board!   SaveSave SaveSaveSaveSave

Not Your Average Waffle Date Night   From The Dating Divas - 54Not Your Average Waffle Date Night   From The Dating Divas - 31Not Your Average Waffle Date Night   From The Dating Divas - 99Not Your Average Waffle Date Night   From The Dating Divas - 98Not Your Average Waffle Date Night   From The Dating Divas - 61Not Your Average Waffle Date Night   From The Dating Divas - 27Not Your Average Waffle Date Night   From The Dating Divas - 91