Since the start of lockdown, I have been gradually working to develop a better morning routine—one that is motivating, limits my screen time, and encourages me to set goals for the day. I’ve been primarily focusing on the activities I perform throughout my morning, not putting much emphasis on what I had considered to be the smallest, potentially unimportant, pieces of my pre-existing routine.  However, as a new graduate student working toward a career in the field of sound studies, I’ve recently been encouraged to become more aware of my sonic environment and how I contribute to the soundscape. Through this awareness, and the effort to create a more meaningful and comforting morning, I have begun to reconsider how my morning alarm impacts my day. This interest sparked the beginning of my small, but mighty, research project. 

What’s the Perfect Sound to Wake Up to in the Morning?

In order to find my perfect sonic start, I had to consider my thoughts and emotions with each new alarm sound I tested. I turned to journaling, which helped me to assess my emotions each morning. Following a few weeks of journaling, I’ve noticed a few key congruencies in my notes. First and foremost, the volume of my alarm impacted my mood almost instantly. I’m a light sleeper, and I have anxiety, so the loud alarm caused many mornings to be quite frantic and frightful. This small aspect of my morning, something I had never considered, was actually a cause of immediate tension and anxiety, mainly manifested through the tightening of my chest. Not only did this impact my body immediately, but in some cases, I found, I carried that tension throughout the day. Secondly, I noticed the timbre, or the quality of the sound, to have a similar impact. When the sound was harsh, sudden, and disjointed, I had similar emotional responses of discomfort and unease. It’s as though I absorbed the qualities of harshness, which led me to approach my morning quite impatiently, without much mindful consideration.  Finally, the last overarching response that emerged was a disdain of repetition (something I had previously experienced with my overuse of “It’s a Beautiful Day”). I’ve noticed that the more often I hear the same tune as my morning alarm, the more annoyed the sound makes me. This is something you may have experienced when hearing a song on the radio played repeatedly; however, I had never considered my alarm to be in the same vein as a Top-40’s hit, pushing me to a similar point of frustration. All this to say, this experience has encouraged me to reconsider my morning from a sonic perspective. Stereotypically, the sound of a morning alarm is abrupt, loud, and quite harsh. If we start our day with a loud and startling sonic blast, our tension tied to this experience becomes integral to our morning mood and routine. However, perhaps a redesign of this morning alarm could have the opposite effect. 

How to Mindfully Choose Your Alarm Sound

What would the response be if, instead of this abrupt awakening, you were met with pleasant sounds and a gradual increase in volume, slowly encouraging you to wake? The alarm then takes on a new role in your morning and the need for unnecessary stress is diminished. It’s no longer something that startles and jolts you out of slumber, but rather something that eases you into waking awareness.  My experience of course may not align with yours. So, while I ask myself some of these, it may be best for you to do your own sonic analysis of your morning alarm. Here are the steps I recommend: The perfect morning alarm for you is out there—and believe me, it may take a few tries. Be open to constant revision and be aware of your feelings and bodily reactions to the soundscape you occupy, and soon you’ll be on the road to reclaiming your perfect sonic morning.


Pilar Gerasimo March 10, 2020

Parneet Pal, Carley Hauck, Elisha Goldstein, Kyra Bobinet, and Cara Bradley August 27, 2018

Jon Kabat-Zinn April 9, 2019