The Fourth of July is filled with neighborhood block parties, grills, watermelons, sparklers, and fireworks, but when all that is said and done, why not make sparks fly in the bedroom as well?! If you’re looking for a little more excitement that involves only you and your spouse, then our red, white, and YOU idea is the perfect 4th of July date for just the two of you to end the holiday celebrations. When the festivities are over, grab your sweetie and have some more fun with a few patriotic summertime treats!

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Karyn from If, Actually helped us whip up these fun, Fourth of July printables that are perfect for setting the mood. The patriotic designs are sure to encourage a good time.

Start getting ready for your night by leaving your honey a little note with a hint about what’s in store. You can even add a couple real sparklers to set the tone! Then, get everything prepped for the night. You’ll Need:

Strawberries and/or Raspberries Whipped Cream and/or Marshmallow Fluff Red, White, and Blue Tissue Paper Aluminum Foil Scissors Tape Pencils Small Bucket or Bowl Marshmallows (Optional)

Make a few of these indoor-safe sparklers. They’re actually super quick and easy to create – plus, they double as fun bedroom toys 😉

Add a few of these saucy notes to the sparklers.

{Hint: Attach the notes upside-down so that when you place the sparklers in the bucket, you can still read them!}

Add the sparklers to the bucket, with the colorful sparkler spray at the bottom so you can’t see it. I filled the bucket with marshmallows to help hold the sparklers in place and hide the colors! Now, it’s game time! Take turns pulling sparklers out of the bucket. The color(s) of the sparkler determine what you get to use for your turn. RED means RED fruits. WHITE means WHITE dips. BLUE means YOU (as in your spouse)! Here are some examples of fun: If you choose a red sparkler, then you get to seductively eat a raspberry (RED). If you choose a red and white sparkler, then you get to devour a strawberry (RED) dipped in marshmallow fluff (WHITE). If you pull out a white and blue sparkler, then you get to involve your spouse in the fun by feeding them (BLUE) whipped cream (WHITE). If you pull out a red, white, and blue sparkler, then you’ve hit the jackpot! You could feed a strawberry (RED) dipped in whipped cream (WHITE) to your spouse (BLUE). Guess, what?! This post was inspired by Robin’s original post – what a great idea:

Instead of the Sparklers Game, Robin used The Game of Love. Whichever ideas you choose, remember to get creative about how you use each item. The important thing is to have FUN with it! HINT: If you REALLY want to start some fireworks, you should check out our 7 Days of Sex Challenge!  You’ll have to check out the post for all the sexy deets, but here’s a little sneak peek…   . 

Have fun!

Red  White  and YOU  - 95Red  White  and YOU  - 50Red  White  and YOU  - 45Red  White  and YOU  - 35Red  White  and YOU  - 19Red  White  and YOU  - 34Red  White  and YOU  - 61Red  White  and YOU  - 83Red  White  and YOU  - 64Red  White  and YOU  - 10Red  White  and YOU  - 18Red  White  and YOU  - 5