If you haven’t used something in three years, where do you put it?

55% donate it to charity, while 22% let it petrify at the bottom of a closet somewhere. 6% chuck it immediately— no need for drawn-out goodbyes! And 7% insist there’s a use for everything! Everyone else sells their stuff or puts it in storage.

Who does most of the cleaning in your household?

• “A little bit of everyone, but it usually falls on my husband because he is a neat freak. Poor guy.” • “I do. My two dogs refuse to assist.” • “I am a nun so we all do our share as members of a community.”

What takes up the most room in your house?

31% fill up the nooks and crannies with books, 21% keep more clothes around than anything else, 10% have a lot of useless junk in their house, and 4% have a lot of toys (kids’ toys, we assume?)

What’s your biggest pet peeve about your house right now?

• “The smell of the water.” • “No pool or hot tub.” (We hear you, pal, we hear you.) • “It’s so disgustingly dirty in terms of filth.” • “Dog hair.” • “Papers, papers, and papers.” • “Cleaning it! Maybe one day I’ll hire someone else for that.” • “I have eight cats and they have ruined the furniture and rug.” • “Thanks to Wall Street, mortgage payments until 75.” • “No pet peeves. Grateful to have it.” • “My husband’s hoarding issues.” • “The dark master bathroom.” • “Too car dependent. Nobody walks!”

How do you let loose when no one else is around?

• “Read all day long and have a baked potato with lots of butter for dinner!” • “Wear ugly but comfortable clothes.” • “I watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians. It’s my guilty pleasure.” • “I turn off the TV and call a friend or relax in silence.” • “I don’t let loose.” • “I’m an introvert so I cherish the quiet.” • “Kitchen disco.” • “I ditch all clothing and live in total nudity.” • “Talk to the dog.” • “I let it rip whenever I have wind.” • “Leave dishes in the sink and watch daytime TV.”

When you need to make extra space in your home, what do you struggle to get rid of?

• “Back-up electronics.” • “Kitchen gadgets.” • “Old greeting cards.” • “Unfinished projects.” • “Teapots.” • “Nothing. I’m ruthless about throwing things out.” • “Stuff my mother-in-law gives us.”

Is your home too big, too small, or just right?