Have you ever experienced tech withdrawal?

What is your favorite thing about personal technology?

“Education.”“Information at my fingertips.”“Ability to keep in touch with family and friends overseas.”“Google Maps.”“Reading good books and long articles.”“Distraction.”“Podcasts.”“It helps my creativity—I make music and art on it.”“Turning it off.”“Solves problems.”“Saving time.”“Social media.”“The ease of getting things done.”“Constant availability.”“The ability to send a thought now.”

Do you consider yourself to be:

A tech native 10%Pretty competent with technology 72%Befuddled by all these gadgets! 15%Rather averse to technology 3%

When you have a question about a personal technology device, what do you do?

51% Scour the web for a solution25% consult a family member20% say they can usually figure it out for themselvesand 4% will go to an IT person

Have you ever dropped your mobile phone in the toilet?

What bugs you the most about personal technology?

“The time it takes to sort and delete email.”“Keyboards.”“Too many notifications.“Technology could be genuinely helpful, but too many companies are fighting for our attention.”“Invasion of privacy.”“It interrupts actual personal connection.”“Staring at a screen all the time.”“Expectation of being available 24/7.”“Upgrades.”“It’s so damn easy.” “Time suck.”“Ads. Autoplay video content.” “The way it lures you away from present experience.”

If technology were your romantic partner, how would you describe your relationship?

“Ambivalent.”“Seductive,emotionally volatile, supportive except when it’s not.”“I call my wife’s phone her ‘boyfriend.’”“Manipulative.”Unhealthy. Very unhealthy.”“Controlling and addictive but something I can’t do without.”“Reluctant partners.”“Too submissive.”“We don’t sleep together.”“Friend with benefits.”“Cozy.”“I am tortured, but I can’t leave!”“Draining.”“We love and hate each other—both very tenderly.” “It’s there when I need it—and, unfortunately, when I don’t.”“Tumultuous.”“Unbalanced.”“Joined at the hip.”“Abusive!”“Can’t get enough of each other.”“Tempestuous. Exciting yet burdensome.”“Toxic.”

It’s a love/hate relationship.