Either way, you need the belly breath in your practice, and so does your kid. Here’s a simple practice you can do by yourself, or with your child.  If you’re doing this practice with a child, let the kid burn off some energy first, in the gym or on the playground. Figure out a way to release that restless energy that every kid has. Then, when your kid is a little more relaxed, and more receptive, sit down with them on a mat in a quiet spot.  In a perfect world you’ll have a little ambience going. Maybe a salt lamp or lava lamp for some mellow lighting, and a white-noise machine or a fan if there’s a ton of traffic noise. A comfortable cushion and some blankets. All these elements have an important role: You’re taking a familiar space and, by making a few small adjustments, adding an element of ritual.  Take a minute to visualize how releasing trauma and embracing self-love might feel: self-regulation, empowerment, beginnings of self-acceptance, even if you can’t get to self-love. Just starting to accept yourself.  As you begin, remember that the biggest win on this first day of practice is simply being willing to show up and sit down. Don’t worry if your breathing is off or if they can only hold the practice for a few seconds. Simply agreeing to try is a victory.

A Breathing Meditation to Calm Your Busy Mind

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